Text Message Marketing for Auto Dealers

Text message marketing for auto dealers is definitely picking up in popularity. There are many third party text messaging vendors that will help you install and implement a plan to fit your budget. The whole idea is what content to promote, when to do it (frequency)…and how to deliver it …all without being invasive.

learn how to use sms text message marketing for auto dealer

use Texting to increase sales

As an Auto Dealer, you are in the business of selling cars. The business of selling cars is a science and relays heavily on the art of marketing to instill perceived value in your Brand…and to keep your customer coming back again and again (and recommending you to their friends and family too). Marketing is the idea of staying emotionally connected to your customer…. This obviously can take an unlimited numbers of paths. In this day and age, you want to use technology as much as possible to leverage your time and money to keep this emotional connection. What better way than messaging apps and text messages ? Everyone of your customers carries their smartphone around with them everywhere they go. This is a great opportunity to stay in touch with your customers at all times.

how to do text message marketing for auto dealers

high quality always appeals to people…

SMS Text Messaging is the most widely used data application in the world, with 3.6 billion active users, or 78% of all mobile phone subscribers. The term “SMS” is used as a synonym for all types of short text messaging, as well as the user activity itself, in many parts of the world. SMS is also being used as a form of direct marketing known as SMS marketing. ~wikipedia

Millions of people all over the country have the ability to receive text messages and that is why text messaging will become one of the largest and most effective ways to market and advertise. I love the internet…it is a great tool….but because of it, we are faced with the most challenging economic times of our generation and it is crucial that every marketing platform is utilized in order to effectively help grow your business. Because of the fast paced development of technology, businesses need to know how to keep up with the most innovative marketing strategies now more than ever and need to stay a step ahead of their competition.

I want you to realize text message marketing for auto dealers is not just for you to sell your vehicles and that’s it. It’s a smart and strategic way you can get existing customers and new potential ones a way to find out more about your business.

Now here is the secret sauce…

I know you must be asking yourself, what would I be texting to my customers ? Ok..watch this ..

learn how to do text message marketing for auto dealers

marketing is all about staying emotionally connected to your customers.

Being a auto dealer is usually a local business entity. So, what you want to do in your text campaigns is give out pertinent and relevant information to your local demographic. Do your research. If I’m setting up an auto dealership in a City like Atlanta, Georgia..what would I text about ? Family events (like upcoming event specials at the Georgia Aquarium, etc), I would text about popular team sport events downtown, I would text about local celebrities, I would text about local breaking news affecting the area, I would text about local legislature and proposed laws that affect Atlanta. Every 3rd or 4th text , I would text about my “Luxury Vehicles for Sale” – …….
If I was sending out texts to my opt-in – list… I know that these people and potential customers signed up on my website..and have specifically given me their permission to text them. They saw something like  …”Sign up here to get new inventory texts and local Atlanta news and events” (I promise to only send you 1-3 texts monthly).

Can you see how people would love this? Getting a text from me once every 8 or 9 days…… a little text with a nugget of local exciting news, or education /entertaining something. A coupon for free coffee at a local spot,….A coupon for $25 off for some car related service or product…… A little text with news of who has the cheapest gas in town..and who has the best coffee. A little text with news that the Oscars are filming downtown Atlanta this weekend…so don’t drive downtown. A little text that says…Hey I just got in this 2010 Black on Black BMW 350i going for $5,500…..sacrifice..is worth $7,000

This is the future of marketing…. Text Message or App message marketing
Assuming that you have a mobile optimized website….(A mobile optimized webpage or landing page is simply a website that is configured for smaller device screens like cellphones, tablets and larger screens like laptops and desk tops)….expect more than 60% of your traffic will come from mobile devices – ie cellphones. Because people use cellphones and tablets to passively view content and search (research) the Internet for things that they plan to do or buy in the future.

When it comes to text marketing for your auto dealership business, you are way beyond using your personal cellphone or mobile device. You have to have a dedicated server (with necessary software), a reputable mobile hosting site to manage and facilitate the delivery of the texts…to fall within strict MMA guidelines This is all necessary to protect the privacy of your customers and the integrity of the list itself. Be very leery of people who want to sell you their text blasting services or lists of mobile cellphone numbers. You can get into legal trouble if these customers have not opted in to your text campaign.

A sms text message marketing campaign for a typical auto dealer usually starts with creating a mobile website or landing page. This mobile website can contain the pages of your coupons, services, referrals, pictures, videos and even a retail component. These mobile websites can further be turned into apps that a person can download and “anchor” to their cellphone or mobile device. This gives you even greater access to your customer at all times.

You can control all the data (texts, pictures, video) uploads via a desk top interface (or dashboard) . Thru various campaigns you are able to get people to “opt in” with their cellphone number. Get people to sign up from their cellphone and immediately be exposed to your compelling offer. This technique is super powerful because it will bring in a lot of new business to you in a very short period of time, and you will have all of those customers and prospects’ mobile phone numbers for future marketing.


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