Fear is Killing your Business [VIDEO]

Fear is self-generated …and its killing your business.  Being scared is the active version of fear. Fear (being scared) is keeping you from moving forward in business because you are “scared”of what may happen. You “scared” of what you read on the internet. You are scared of what you have heard people say. You are not confident of your own ability to bypass and overcome challenges. You are fearful that you wont get the help or mentorship that you need. You are scared that you may be scammed.

You are fearful that you don’t have enough money. You are fearful that you wont have enough money/. You are fearful that you won’t be able to find any good cars to sell. You are “scared” that you cant find any good customers… etc etc. Anything that you focus on, does come into your life at some level. Watch this video and learn how to break out of this trap with my simple technique of list making.

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