What cars sell best? How to identify your target customer

What cars sell best?

You may have gotten into the car business, just because you love cars. But now that you are ready to start buying and selling, you may be unsure of where to start. What cars sell best? What cars sell best-1We are in this business to make money. And there are many ways to do that, but first you have to have a plan. Who is your target market?  What kinds of cars do they want? How much money can they spend on these cars? You hopefully have given some thought along these lines before you run out and buy your first car to flip. Your first car flip sets the tone for your ongoing success in this business. Let’s get it as right as possible on the first time out the gate. There is no such thing as the best cars to sell, it’s all relative to your budget and your target market. You already know how much money you are working with (stay within your budget), so how do you select which cars to buy for flipping? Use auction access and buy what excites you the most.

Learn how to know what cars sell best

know your customer

What do I mean by “ buy what excites you the most”? Because whatever you are excited about, you put  more time and energy into…with less effort. Excitement brings its own “package” of resources such as creativity and flexibility. But before we get ahead of ourselves, how do we use excitement to select a target audience? Ask yourself this question…”With the money I have now, who (what group of people) can benefit most from my car purchases from the auction?”  You are asking yourself (subconscious mind, higher self, etc.) the question. You will get an answer. I like to ask myself these kinds of questions before I go to bed at night (or even before a daytime power nap). This allows you to relax your questioning mind, and allow your answering mind to take over.  You can get any number of answers back:

  • College Students
  • Undocumented immigrants
  • Blue Collar Worker
  • Construction worker types (pick up trucks, etc)
  • Stay at home Moms
  • Professional /Corporate Types
  • Commuter Car
  • Luxury
  • Older Driver
  • Sports Cars

Do you see where we are talking about? Once you ask yourself the question (what market do I want to serve?), you get a stream possible solutions. Get a paper a pen and make a list of all the ideas that come to you. Just write them down, don’t analyze them yet.  Typically people start out with just thinking of the dollar amount of money they want to sell cars for (“I’ll just sell cash cars that people want …$3-5K”). But what I want to introduce to you is the idea that you will be more efficient and successful if you think of who is the person you are selling to. What do they need? What kind of income do they have to spend on a car? What is their general age group? What kind of hobbies and past times are they into? As you think of your target demographic and start getting faces and people in your mind’s eye, what you are doing is creating your internal mind program or “customer filter”.

Once you have identified who your target customer is and what they look like and how much they have to spend, etc…. now you are ready to buy cars. Your internal program or customer filter will run thru your mind automatically when you are considering a car purchase. Your mind will ask you questions about the car as it pertains to the customer filter you self-programmed. You can always change your filters, but in the beginning stick with one.  So you have your filter in place and now you can bring the budget back to the front stage. You know what to buy. You look for cars that excite you the most, that passes your customer filters and fits within your budget. That’s the formula.

When you know your customer, because you can get inside the head of your customer…you will instinctively find and buy the right cars. You will instinctively know what cars sell best for your customer. When you know who your customer is, you will reach them more easily …because you know where they hang out.  You will know how to reach them. You know what kinds of ads to write and what keywords to use. You know what their price sensitivity is and what car models they want… You will be successful when you become your customer.

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