Earn unlimited $250 Referrals

Join our Affiliate Maketing Program. It’s free to join and you can earn an unlimited stream of $250 referral commissions.

affiliate marekting program

Anybody can join, its free too…

We pay daily. You can earn an additional income just by referring someone to one of our services. We pay a $250 referral fee for our 3 lines of Busines:

  • Auction Access
  • Used Car Dealer License
  • National Car Buying Service

So, if you are interested in making some extra money, go to the Training page that I set up. This will give you some background information about each line of buisness, as well as marketing material you can use (including images); as well as  strategy on who to target and how to target them. I’m always available for phone training and support, as well as Skype/WhatsApp or in office visits (Atlanta, Ga. area).

If you have a person you want to submit a lead for, simply drop me an Email with the person’s name, phone and what they are interested in. Be sure to include your first, last name and phone number. I will do the rest. If I close the sale, you get your $250. Period (CashApp, Paypal, Cash, Check, etc).

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